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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We live by example & we are examples ...

"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 1 Timothy 2:9-10

I absolutely love this verse. I have been thinking all day today how I want to go about writing this next blog. I usually don't have a hard time finding words or expressing my opinions but this subject is particularly important to me. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't sign on to facebook & see a woman intentionally degrading herself. It's makes me sick that women feel the need to act in such a trashy way in hopes of attracting men. I started thinking about this a couple of months ago when I started seeing what I like to call "The facebook signature pose" For those of you who are not aware of what I am talking about I will explain. This is when a woman usually in shorts (short enough to be panties) puts on some sort of low cut shirt, uses her arms to push her breasts together & then proceeds to bend down slightly in front of the camera allowing her cleavage to be the first & usually ONLY thing anyone (or any man) would notice. Men are usually pretty simple for the most part, but most of them do have enough common sense to know when a woman has breasts without her putting them on display. (Let's give the men a little credit) There is really no need to make yourself look like a total bimbo. Why not just hold up a sign that says "I have huge boobs, but no brain."

We live by examples and we are examples. Which in essence is probably why this particular subject is so important to me. I don't care so much about one woman lacking self respect. What I do care about is the example she is setting. Sexy is not showing it all off before or on the first date, and sexy is not offering your body to a man because he showed you a little attention. Sexy is being confident enough to know you are a woman God created and you deserve respect. You deserve a man who loves you for your mind, spirit, and then your body. I am not in anyway saying that it's wrong to look your best or to carry yourself in a way that makes you feel good. I am merely trying to distinguish a sexy way of presenting yourself as oppose to a slutty way.

Just like anything that comes out of the Bible I think we should think about the time and the context of when it was written. I love the bible verse above but I don't think that anyone is going to hell for wearing miss me jeans and fashion forward jewelery. I don't want anyone to misunderstand the reason for this blog. This is not being written to put any woman down. If anything, I wish women would read this & realize they have more to offer than their bodies. I believe if you want a man or anyone for that matter, to respect you, you must first have respect for yourself. More importantly, respect for Jesus Christ.

I once heard Dr. Phil say "Never marry someone until you have seen them in bed with the flu." Relationships based off of love, trust, and friendship can make it through the flu or any obstacle. Relationships based off of breasts and a good time usually bite the dust about the time a subtle cough sets in.

I'll end with this- “Respect is love in plain clothes.” Frankie Byrne
Another one of my absolute favorite quotes... Real men respect and love women in sweats with no make up. They adore and show attention to women who are intelligent & who are covered up. The "facebook signature pose" along with any other less than respectful picture is only telling the world (men in particular) it's okay to be disrespectful. Why respect a woman if she doesn't even respect herself? My momma has told me for years "Ashley, you better marry someone that can make you laugh, because in in 50 years that's all you'll have with each other. Love & laughter." Of course I want who I am dating to be attracted to me, but more importantly I want someone who loves me for me, not just my body. I sincerely hope my momma's advice opens another woman's eyes like it did mine. We all make mistakes and we are all human. The wonderful thing about life is each day is a new beginning & a new start to being who ever you want to be.

"Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness."1 Timothy 6:11

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